In all respects, Saturday turned out to be a perfect day.
The weather actually matched the forecast and cleared up as the morning went on. Dr Ross' House of Pain on Detroit turned out to be the perfect tented site for the first-ever pre- and post-TailCat. Giovanni Nardi is recognized pregame for his academic exploits - I'd say a 4.31gpa is darn near perfect (video).
And, of course, our Cats put a BEATDOWN on the Eagles.
A 10-0 undefeated regular season!
The first perfect 10-0 season since 1995 (the Cats went 9-0 in 2000).
It certainly was a peculiar atmosphere for a Holy War. The occasional bright sunshine that splashed the players just didn't seem right. And despite the Eagles' attempt to intimidate our Cats before the national anthem - it seemed as hollow as it was - the only question seemed to be "by how much?". Not the usual formula for a Holy War.
The pre-TailCat got off to a bit of a rocky start as we thought the tent was going to blow away. Or that Frank Ross was going to blow himself up trying to get the firepit lit in a windstorm. Or that the nearby high rise residents were going to clean us out when we were at the game. (No worries - they cleaned us out at the post-TailCat!)Mssrs. Duffy, Ross and Ventling put their Bloody Mary recipes to the TailCat test. I'd say it was a dead heat - we need a runoff.

Despite our best efforts to get it on film, Joe Carozzoni actually did something this week - he cooked burgers!
You'll have to trust me - that's Joe; he wasn't there long enough to get a good picture
Rumor has it that Tim Ryan was serving the burgers that Joe cooked but let's not push it - both of them actually doing some work at the same TailCat?!? Sure, whatever.
You'll have to trust me - that's Joe; he wasn't there long enough to get a good picture
Rumor has it that Tim Ryan was serving the burgers that Joe cooked but let's not push it - both of them actually doing some work at the same TailCat?!? Sure, whatever.
Dr Ross says "Save those blue cups - you'll need what's in them when you cash in that free root canal"

I think this is an opportunity for another caption contest:

A final game note: the usually mild-mannered Wendy Myers was heard to respond "O - VER RA - TED! HA!" to the entire St Ed student section in the 4th quarter. That is just not like her. Usually, she'd take on the entire visiting team fans - not just the student section. It was just that kind of Holy War, I guess...
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